Welcome to PythonAlgos

Welcome to PythonAlgos

How To Guides in (mostly) Python

PythonAlgos covers computer science concepts, machine learning concepts, API development, and SEO engineering. Mostly in Python.

Why Use PythonAlgos?

Hi! Welcome to PythonAlgos, my name is Yujian Tang, I am the maintainer and creator of PythonAlgos and The Text API. I started my professional software development career interning at IBM for three summers in high school after winning the American Computer Science League (ACSL) competition twice in a row. From there I went on to major in computer science at the University of North Carolina. In college, I published a first author paper to IEEE Big Data after a Summer Research Experience for Undergrads at Florida International University under Dr. Niki Pissinou. After college I worked at Amazon on the their AutoML infrastructure where I generated over $2.5M in value in my last few months. I then left Amazon to find myself and pursue my own dreams of helping lift up as many people in the world as I can.

This website has two purposes. One is to showcase fun and interesting projects like Tracking Climate Mentions in the News, or Finding the Most Common Phrases on YouTube’s Front Page. The other is to be a resource to help people learn all the skills they need to be a software engineer from the basics of Python up to career advice! Personally, I hate seeing ads on website, so I strive to keep this website ad free. To help keep this website ad free please help fund it by donating below. If you can’t donate right now, please think of us next time!

PythonAlgos is where I create tutorials for people looking to learn software development and computer science to learn (mostly) Python with. PythonAlgos contains many posts on important computer science and effective software development processes including algorithms, data structures, and other computer science topics needed to navigate your way into becoming a software engineer.

Why Python?

Python is a high level programming language with an easy learning curve and many applications. It is the most popular programming language in 2021, and in high demand both industrially and academically.

Python popularity – Python Algorithms

As it’s popularity grows, demand for Python will also grow. The median salary for a Python Developer in America in 2021 was over $108,000. Python has many applications, such as data science, web development, and artificial intelligence/machine learning applications. These industries are rapidly expanding and we can expect Python jobs to grow at a similar rate. We can see that just the AI industry is going to grow at an even faster rate in the coming years.

Estimated Growth in AI jobs – Python Algorithms

The best time to start learning Python would have been a few years ago, the second best time to start is now. Invest in yourself. You should use PythonAlgos NOW to level up your Python skills, learn machine learning, and build interesting projects.

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